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COVID-19 Attendance Guidelines

Basic Guidelines

  • All gathering places (sanctuaries, vestibule, bathrooms, microphones, pews, pulpits, choir seating, musical instruments, etc.) will be carefully cleaned and sanitized prior to and ongoing as persons enter our church facilities.

  • All attendees (regardless of vaccination status) must wear masks, wash hands appropriately, and practice social distancing when seated or standing and avoid unnecessary physical contact. We will provide sign markers and specific reminders regarding our seating plan and guidelines to follow when using the restrooms.

  • We will use temperature gauges to monitor persons attending worship and gatherings.

  • Our worship service will be a maximum of one hour. We will encourage all members and guests to exit the building promptly after the service ends.

  • We know that some of our most beloved worship practices such as congregational singing is not recommended right now. There will be no congregational singing and we will practice social distancing.

  • Musical Arrangements are being studied. Special music will be used until we are able to return to the full choir.

Sunday School and Bible Study

We are continuing to study the best option for our Sunday School and Bible Study. We are looking at providing this ministry via an online platform (ex. ZOOM, or conference call). More information will be provided.


Weddings and Funerals
We will evaluate how we conduct weddings and funerals as the need arises depending on the safety recommendations of the moment. We will work with families to create a plan that honors their loved one, honors their grieving process, and keeps everyone safe.




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