Not just hearing the word, but doing it as well, living everyday for Christ.
More than 100 years ago, the first CME Church of South Tifton came into being. History records the date given by reliable sources as 1908. The church was named in honor of the Rev. T. A. Everette of Albany, GA who, according to those same sources, was also the founder and the first minister of the church.
The church was located in what was then called the “Bottom Land” near the “Old Marlow” homestead. It continued to grow and strive under the leadership of the following ministers: Rev. A.C. Patterson, Rev. H. Lawson, Rev. M. F. Williams, and Rev. J. A. Hugie. It was about this time in history the church caught fire and was demolished. This left the pastor and congregation at quite a disadvantage.
In 1916, the Everette Temple CME Church was rebuilt at a completely new location. The newly erected building was located on 21st Street west of South Ridge Ave. Names appearing on the cornerstone of this new building were Rev. J. A. Hugie, who was still serving as minister and those of the trustees, who at the time were H. Nichols, R. Campbell, W. Lowe, J. Nichols, I. Lewis, and S. McCray, Presiding Elder and E.M. Williams, Presiding Prelate (Bishop).
At the new location on 21st Street the church continued to grow. Careful nurturing began to pay off in increased membership and more community interactions. There were many dedicated and God-fearing ministers who served diligently to expand the influence of the church in the community. Men of vision and foresight continued to lead the congregation in Christian living.
On September 21, 1985, fire struck again and as fate would dictate the congregation was virtually homeless once more. Worship services were held in temporary quarters provided by members and community churches.
The history of the church would be incomplete without the inclusion of the services of the late Bro. George Campbell, who probably had the longest membership on record. He served as superintendent of the Sunday School and the church secretary.
After much prayer, discussion, deliberation, research and investigation, it was decided to venture into the project of purchasing the properties where the church presently is located. The decision was made with the support of the late Bishop Joseph C. Coles, Jr., who was then serving as Presiding Prelate of the 6th Episcopal District. The decision to purchase was an obligation assumed by the officers and members in Christian love and unity. These properties are located in South Tifton at 719 South Ridge.
The illustrious Rev. Amos Ryce, II guided the church in its new responsibilities and enabled it to make many new desirable changes. Under his leadership, the acquisition of a year-round child daycare center to be operated on the site was established. This program is still positively affecting our community.
The Rev. Robert L. Yarbrough, Sr., currently serves as pastor.

Rev. Lavisha Williams
Presiding Elder
Moultrie-McRae-Brunswick District

Rev. Robert L. Yarbrough, Sr.
Everette Temple CME Church
Rev. Lucy Young
Rev. Bernice Reese
Ministerial Staff
Kim Ezekiel
Church Secretary
P: 229.386.1390
C: 229.848.1833